For the love of Engineering
I remember the first time I learned about HTML. It was a book that I got from a friend, internet was something I knew about but as a kid all of it was still a mystery. It was a simple book, standard course work for 10th standard students studying under the central board of enducation in India, I was in 7th standard, had a potato PC, but the idea of being able to make this machine display and do what I wish to was incredible! I read through the book in a few days, opened up the notepad, wrote some html and opened the file using a browser.. and .. nothing?? The browser just displayed the html in text form, it didn’t make sense, I tried again, it didn’t work. It was frustrating as hell! I tried and tried, changed the brower, changed the text editor but as a kid I just didn’t know what was going on, I thought perhaps the book is outdated or something. Later on, I was just messing around on my grand dad’s computer and I realised that every file for some reason have these weird “.txt”, “.mp3”, “.mp4” attached to their name, and changing it would change the behaviour. It clicked, the book suggested using notepad to edit the html file but forget to mention the fact that you are supposed to save it with the correct extension…….
It’s been years since then and my love and curiosity for engineering has only increased over time, and almost everyday I feel grateful to be born at a time when information that used to take decades to gather is just provided to me, the sheer quantity of fun things to learn is overwhelming sometimes, but the beauty of it all is just too much for me to quit.
The journey has defined the last decade of life and probably will the rest of it as well, I plan to embrace it to the fullest.
For doing my part in creating a world with limitless possibilities for everyone, For the love of Engineering.